Thanks for joining us at the community meetings!

We held our final community meeting to gather information about how people use the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and its road system for the Sustainable Roads process on Wednesday, November 13th in Everett. Thanks to everyone who joined us!

If you weren’t able to participate, there’s still time to take the questionnaire, which closes on November 30th.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Sustainable Roads project in the coming weeks.

One response to “Thanks for joining us at the community meetings!

  1. I have a second home in Glacier Springs, that we do as a rental as well. I have had this home for 7 years and the renters leave comments on how wonderful the area is to visit. They love to hike, ski, fish and get away from the crazy day to day activities. One of the themes the renters have stated is not getting access to trails because of the closing of roads. These customer are also generated income for the forest and the local economy. They also for the most part have a great respect for the area and the preservation of the area. The roads are a necessary part of this process for the people visiting as well as the one living in the area.

    The roads are important to maintain.

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